Scheda a cura di Jacopo Crivellaro.
International Migration, Self-Selection, and the Distribution of Wages: Evidence from Mexico and the United States Daniel Chiquiar, UC San Diego and Gordon H. Hanson, UC San Diego and National Bureau of Economic Research
Rethinking the 'Local' and Transnational': Cross-Border Politics and Hometown Politics in an Immigrant Union David Fitzgerald University of California,, 2002 University of California-San Diego La Jolla, California.
Indigestible Food, Conquering Hordes, and Waste Materials: Metaphors of Immigrants and the Early Immigration Restriction Debate in the United States, Gerald V. O'Brien, 2003.
The Demography of Immigration to the United States, Ernest Rubin, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 367, The New Immigration, 1966.
Out-of-Control Immigration, James Goldsborough, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 5, 2000
U.S. Immigration at the Beginning of the 21st Century Michael E. Fix, Jeffrey S. Passel, 2001
Introduction: New York City and the New Caribbean Immigration: A Contextual Statement, Roy Simón Bryce-Laporte, International Migration Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, Special Issue: International Migration in Latin America (Summer, 1979)
Immigrants and the Economy, Link del National Immigration Forum su risorse che trattano il tema dell'immigrazione e dell'economia.
The economic benefits from immigration, National Bureau of Economic Research, George Borjas, 1995.
Overall U.S. Economy Gains From Immigration, But It's Costly to Some States and Localities, The National-Academies, Molly Galvin, Media Relations Associate Shannon Flanner.
The Scope and Impact of Welfare Reform's Immigrant Provisions Michael Fix Jeffrey Passel, 2002
Inclusion and Segregation: The Incorporation of Latin American Immigrants into the U.S. Labor Market, Alejandro I. Canales, Carlos Pérez, Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 34, No. 1, The Crisis of U.S. Hegemony in the Twenty-First Century (Jan., 2007),
Working papers sull'immigrazione negli USA del CCIS Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California-San Diego (con particolare attenzione all'immigrazione messicana in California)
Ricerche dell'University of Northern California, e del North American Integration Development Center.
Ricerche sull'immigrazione e sulle implicazioni chequesta comporta per il welfare - dal sito dell' Urban Institute (con particolare attenzione alla realtà Californiana e alla città di New York)
Ricerche sull'Immigrazione in California, dell'istituto, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)
United States, Citizenship and Immigration Services, sito ufficiale del Governo con dati e informazioni su tutti gli aspetti dell'immigrazione negli Stati Uniti e una rubrica speciale sull'immigrazione
Censimento della Popolazione straniera negli USA , Informazioni del sito ufficiale del censimento U.S. Census Bureau.
"Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States: 1850-1990" Campbell J. Gibson and Emily Lennon Population Division U.S. Bureau of the Census Washington, 1999.
Immigration The demographic & economic facts, Julian L. Simon, Cato Institute, 1995
Unauthorized Immigration to the United States, Thomas J. Espenshade, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 21, 1995
Measuring Illegal Immigration at US Border Stations by Sampling from a Flow of 500 Million Travelers,
Palmer Morrel-Samuels,
Population and Environment, Vol. 23, No. 3 2002
EU and US approaches to the management of immigration Jan Niessen, Yongmi Schibel and Raphaële Magoni (eds.) Italy Jonathan Chaloff CENSIS
Immigration and the US Economy:Labor-Market Impacts, Illegal Entry, and Policy Choices di Gordon Hanson, Kenneth Scheve, Matthew Slaughter e Antonio Spilimbergo, 2001
Chronology: Changes in Immigration and Naturalization Laws, Dettagliato elenco dei cambiamenti nella normativa sull'immigrazione in America.
Immigration and Terrorism: Policy Reform Challenges Philip Martin and Susan Martin, 2001.
"Immigration, Inequality, and Policy Alternatives," Russell Sage Foundation, 1995.
Comprehensive Migration Policy Reform in North America: The Key to Sustainable and Equitable Economic Integration , Report della University of Northern California, Hinojosa-Ojeda,Raul, 2003
Creating Illegal Immigrants, Gil S. Epstein, Arye L. Hillman, Avi Weiss, Journal of Population Economics, Special Issue on Illegal Migration (Feb., 1999),
Does Illegal Immigration Empower Rightist Parties? Angel Solano García, Journal of Population Economics, 2006
An Analysis of Public Opinion toward Undocumented Immigration, Thomas J. Espenshade, Charles A. Calhoun, Population Research and Policy Review, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1993
Senator Barack Obama and Immigration Reform, Margaret E. Dorsey, Miguel Díaz-Barriga, Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 38, No. 1, The Barack Obama Phenomenon, 2007.
Il Centro per gli Studi Comparativi dell'Immigrazione dell'Università di San Diego nella California offre degli importanti studi accademici e pratici sulla condizione del lavoratore irregolare in America. Il vasto archivio custodisce oltre 200 Working Papers di cui i seguenti link sono stati tratti.
When Institutional Boundaries Meet New Political Ideas: Courts, Congress and U.S. Immigration Policy Reform Valerie F. Hunt
The H-1B Visa Debate in Historical Perspective: The Evolution of U.S. Policy Toward Foreign-Born Workers Margaret L. Usdansky r Thomas J. Espenshade
Immigration Policy, Assimilation of Immigrants, and Natives' Sentiments Towards Immigrants: Evidence from 12 OECD Countries Thomas K. Bauer, Magnus Lofstrom and Klaus F. Zimmermann.
Safe Haven: International Norms, Strategic Interests and US Refugee Policy, Idean Salehyan
The Effect of Institutional Arrangements and Operations on Judicial Behavior in American Immigration Law, Anna O. Law
Prostitutes and Picture Brides: Chinese and Japanese Immigration, Settlement and American Nation-Building, Catherine Lee.
University of Michigan Law School Refugee Caselaw Il sito si propone di promuovere una analisi transnazionale della normativa sui rifugiati. Il sito raccoglie sentenze (full text) delle più alte corti nazionali (Australia, Austria, Canada, Germania, Nuova Zelanda, Svizzera, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti) che hanno recentemente affrontato la definizione legale di rifugiato
Polygamy, Prostitution, and the Federalization of Immigration Law, Kerry Abrams, Columbia Law Review, Vol. 105, No. 3 (Apr., 2005)
The Immigration Act of 1965, Edward M. Kennedy,
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 367, The New Immigration (Sep., 1966)
Race, Racism and the Law Sito statunitense che esamina il ruolo della normativa degli USA e internazionale nel promuovere o combattere il razzismo . Il sito contiene bibliografie, sentenze, articoli e altri documenti sul razzismo
FROM SLAVERY TO MASS INCARCERATION Rethinking the 'race question' in the US, di Loïc Wacquant, New Left Review, 2002.
Working Papers della Russel Sage Foundation, New York.
Constructing Race Policy in the United States and Great Britain: History and Politics in the Development of Employment Discrimination Policy Robert C. Lieberman,Russell Sage Foundation, 1999
"Laissez-Faire Racism: The Crystallization of a 'Kinder, Gentler' Anti-black Ideology" Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, and Ryan A, Smith, Russell Sage Foundation, 1996
"Soft" Skills and Race An Investigation of Black Men's Employment Problems by Philip Moss and Chris Tilly 1995
The Culture of Medicine and Racial, Ethnic, and Class Disparities in Healthcare Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, Cara James, B.A. Byron J. Good, Anne E. Becker, 2002
Gender Differences in Support for Radical-right, Anti-Immigrant Politial Parties Terri E. Givens
Racial Implications of U.S. Immigration Policy, Richard Lapchick, Benjamin Hooks, Franklin Williams, Issue: A Journal of Opinion, Vol. 12, No. 1/2, African Refugees and Human Rights (Spring - Summer, 1982),
Discriminazione di Genere nel Fenomeno Migratorio, vai alla scheda specifica
Immigration and Wealth Inequality in the U.S., di Lingxin Hao, John Hopkins University, 2001.
Wage Determination Among Foreign Workers, Wayne Cornelius, 1998.
Immigration, Politics, and the American Labor Market: An Historical Perspective, Alan Kessler, 1998
"Immigration, Inequality, and Policy Alternatives," Gregory DeFreitas, Russell Sage Foundation, 1995.
Searching for the Effect of Immigration on the Labor Market, Borjas, Freeman, Katz Working paper National Bureau of Economic Research, 1996
Farm Labor in California: Then and Now Philip Martin, 2001, University of California.
Working on the Margins: Immigrant Day Labor Characteristics and Prospects for Employment Abel Valenzuela, 2000, Jr., University of California.
Multilateral Cooperation, Integration and Regimes: The Case of International Labor Mobility Eytan Meyers, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2002
Beyond Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Ethnicity and the Economy in Enterprise* Zulema Valdez, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies and The Center for US-Mexican Studies, 2002.
Immigration Restrictions and the American Worker: An Examination of Competing Interpretations, Scott Cummings, Thomas Lambert, Population Research and Policy Review, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1998
Effect of U.S. Immigration Reform on Labor-Intensive Agricultural Commodities, Lewell F. Gunter, Joseph C. Jarrett, James A. Duffield, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 74, No. 4, 1992
The Immigration Safety Valve: Keeping a Lid on Inflation, Stephan-Götz Richter, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 79, No. 2, (Mar. - Apr., 2000),
The "Brain Gain" Hypothesis: Third World Elites in Industrialized Countries and Socioeconomic Development in their Home Country Uwe Hunger University of Muenster, 2001, Germany Visiting Fellow
Local and Global Networks of Immigrant Professionals in Silicon Valley AnnaLee Saxenian, The Public Policy Institute of California, 2002
Matching Workers to Work: The Case of Asian Immigrant Engineers in Canada Monica Boyd, 2000, Florida State University
Silicon Valley's New Immigrant Entrepreneurs AnnaLee Saxenian, University of California, Santa Cruz
Migrants of the Information Age: Indian and Mexican Engineers and Regional Development in Silicon Valley Rafael G. Alarcón, 2000, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
Cleaning the Buildings of High Tech Companies in Silicon Valley: The Case of Mexican Janitors in Sonix Christián Zlolniski, 2000, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
The Emigration of High-Skilled Indian Workers to the United States: Flexible Citizenship and India's Information Economy Paula Chakravartty, 2000, University of California, San Diego
The Migration of High-Skilled Workers from Canada to the United States : Empirical Evidence and Economic Reasons Mahmood Iqbal, 2000, The Conference Board of Canada
Vai alla scheda specializzata
Vai alla scheda specializzata
Detenzione degli immigrati irregolari, vai alla scheda specializzata.
Crossing Borders in the School Yard: The Formation of Transnational Social Spaces among Chinese and Mexican Immigrant Students Carmina Brittain, 2003.
Language Skills and Earnings: Evidence from childhood Immigrants Hoyt Bleakley, 2003.
Cohort Estimation of Homeownership Attainmentamong Native-Born and Immigrant Populations Dowell Myers, Isaac Megbolugbe, and SeongWoo Lee, 1998.
The Housing Conditions of Immigrants in New York City Michael H. Schill, Samantha Friedman, and Emily Rosenbaum, 1998.
Immigration and Changing Patterns of Extended Family Household Structure in the United States: 1970-1990,
Jennifer E. Glick, Frank D. Bean, Jennifer V. W. Van Hook,
Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 59, No. 1 (Feb., 1997).
UC Davis, Migration News, Forum di notizie del centro "Migration" dell'Università Davis della California. Il centro pubblica anche riviste e periodici a tiratura regolare.
Migration Policy Institute, Think-tank indipendente dedicata allo studio delle migrazioni.
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Network di organizzazione ed associazione dedicate allo studio ed al miglioramento delle condizioni degli immigrati in America.
The American Immigration Law Foundation Fondazione ufficiale del diritto dell'immigrazione.
American Immigration Lawyers Association, Sito dell'Associazione Avvocati Americani del Diritto dell'Immigrazione. Il sito offre importanti aggiornamenti degli sviluppi giuridici delle corti americane, e legislativi del Congresso Americano. E' interessante la proposta di riforma delle normative sull'immigrazione Americana, in particolare le pagine 25-34 che affrontano la status dei lavorati irregolari.
American Civil Liberties Union, Sito dell'Associazione Americana delle Liberta' Politiche. Il sito offre un aggiornato database sulle notizie riguardanti i diritti dei lavoratori immigrati
National Immigration Law Center Associazione Americana che si batte per la difesa ed il sostegno dei cittadini immigrati.
CESTIM Centro Studi Immigrazione onlus
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Tel. 0039-045-8011032 - Fax 0039-045-8035075
"La prima schiavitù è la frontiera. Chi dice frontiera, dice fasciatura.
Cancellate la frontiera, levate il doganiere, togliete il soldato, in altre parole siate liberi.
La pace seguirà." (Victor Hugo)
"Se voi avete il diritto di dividere il mondo in italiani e stranieri allora io reclamo il diritto di dividere il
mondo in diseredati e oppressi da un lato, privilegiati e oppressori dall’altro.
Gli uni sono la mia patria, gli altri i miei stranieri" (don Lorenzo Milani)