Scheda in continua elaborazione ed aggiornamento.
Scheda a cura di Jacopo Crivellaro
Bundesamt fur Migration und Fluchtflinge, Ufficio Federale per l'Immigrazione,
Statistiches Budesamt Deutschland, Statistiche ufficiali sul numero di stranieri presenti in Germania, e aggiornamenti del 2010
German immigration policy after September 11: militant democracy in the twenty-first century, 2004, di Patricia Hogwood, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops.
German country report on immigration management Norbert Cyrus, Dita Vogel for the DGB-Bildungswerk (13/5/2003) (Rapporti del Migration Policy Group sulle Politiche migratorie nei Paesi Europei:)
Countrystudies Report Germany, Countrystudies Report, e Report di Focus-Migration sulla Germania.
NEW MIGRATION NEEDS A NEMP ( A New European Migration Policy) AND NOT (ONLY) A GERMAN EINWANDERUNGSGESETZ Thomas Straubhaar, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, 2003.
German Green Cards: Solution, Stopgap, or Symbol? Philip Martin February 18, 2001
Ethnic-Priority Immigration in Israel and Germany: Resilience Versus Demise By Christian Joppk
Aggressive Nationalism, Immigration Pressure and Asylum Policy Disputes in Contemporary Germany, Jurgen Fijalkowski, International Migration Review, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Winter, 1993),
Immigrants in the UK and in West Germany: Relative Income Position, Income Portfolio, and Redistribution Effects, Felix Büchel, Joachim R. Frick, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 17, No. 3 (Aug., 2004),
Economics, Racism, and Attitudes toward Immigration in the New Germany, John A. Clark, Jerome S. Legge, Jr., Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 50, No. 4 (Dec., 1997),
Immigration Control in United Germany: Toward a Broader Scope of National Policies, Ralph Rotte, International Migration Review, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Summer, 2000),
Germany's Immigration Dilemma, Tamar Jacobi, Foreign Affairs, April 2011.
Scheda sull'Immigrazione dello Spiegel Online, Marzo 1998.
Facts and Figures of German Immigration, FES-Forum Berlin, 2007
Immigration Control in United Germany, by R Rotte - 2000 - International Migration Review
Immigration, Asylum, and Anti-Foreigner Violence in Germany, by G Krell - 1996,
Refugees in Germany: Invasion or Invention?, by M Mattson - 1995
Migration Control in Germany and the United States, by D Vogel - 2000
From Emigration to Immigration: The German Experience in the 19th and 20th Century, by KJ Bade - 1995
Employment Effects of Immigration to Germany, by JS Pischke - 1997
Pubblicazione del libro del Ministro Thilo Sarrazin che accusò per la crisi economica la presenza di immigrati. Il libro fu severamente criticato, vedi le recensione dello Spiegel,
"Multikulturell? Wir?", The Economist, Nov 11 2010,
Turkish Immigration to Germany, A Sorry History of Self-Deception and Wasted Opportunities, September 2010, Der Spiegel
Zeit Online, Wir waren ein Einwanderungsland
Endlich nimmt Deutschland seine Migranten zur Kenntnis. Aber nun wollen immer weniger Ausländer hier leben, Report della testata Die Zeit sull'immigrazione
Antirassistische Initiative (Berlin)
Muslims in the EU: Germany 2007, Open Society institute, EU Monitoring and Advocacy program,
Racism in Germany: Double-Talk by Political Parties, by M Dastidar - 2001 - Economic and Political Weekly,
Racism in the New Germany and the Reaction of White Women, by D Schultz - 1003 - Women in German Yearbook
Economics, Racism, and Attitudes toward Immigration in the New Germany, by JA Clark - 1997 - Political Research Quarterly
Socialism, Unification Policy and the Rise of Racism in Eastern Germany, by PR Ireland - 1997 - Central European History
Nationalism, Racism, and Xenophobia in Germany and the Rise of Racism in Eastern Germany, RG Moeller - 2000 - International Migration Review
Illegal in Germany, Summary of results of the research project on the life situation of 'illegal' migrants in Leipzig, Jesuit Refugee Service (Europe), Fr. Eddy Jadot SJ, 1999
Deportation Outcomes and the Institutional Embeddedness of Immigration Bureaucracies: The Comparative Cases of Germany and the United States, 2004, di Antje Ellermann
Undocumented Migration in the USA and Germany. An Analysis of the German Case with Cross-References to the U.S. Situation. Stobbe Holk, 2000
Migration and Marginality: Guestworkers in Germany and France,
by RC Rist - 1979
Campagna: kein mensch ist illegal (nessun uomo è illegale)
Illegal sito sui diritti dei clandestini
di Harry & Helen Gray, tratto da American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
The Johns Hopkins University
The portrayal of migrants in the media and its influence on public opinion in Germany, 2003, diChristoph Butterwegge, tratto da Consiglio d'Europa
The role of the media in the integration of ethnic immigrants in Germany, di Agnes M. Flak, 2003.
Welfare and Values in Europe: Transitions related to Religion, Minorities and Gender (WaVE), Dr. Ilona Biendarra and Dr. Annette Leis-Peters, 2001
The German Debate over Multicultural Society: Climax or Test of Organized Capitalism, by H Strasser - 1997,
On the Education of Guest-Worker Children in Germany, by RC Rist, 1979, The School Review
Multiculturalism, Reintegration, and Beyond: The Afrikanische Studentenforderung in Gottingen by N Berman - 1999
Inchiesta sul disagio abitativo degli immigrati in Germania (progetto "il mondo in casa mia" - 2002)
Movin' on up? An overview of the housing situation for foreign-origin persons in West Germany Anita I. Drever and William A.V. Clark University of California, Los Angeles (2001)
CESTIM Centro Studi Immigrazione onlus
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via Cavallotti, 10 - 37124 Verona
Tel. 0039-045-8011032 - Fax 0039-045-8035075
"La prima schiavitù è la frontiera. Chi dice frontiera, dice fasciatura.
Cancellate la frontiera, levate il doganiere, togliete il soldato, in altre parole siate liberi.
La pace seguirà." (Victor Hugo)
"Se voi avete il diritto di dividere il mondo in italiani e stranieri allora io reclamo il diritto di dividere il
mondo in diseredati e oppressi da un lato, privilegiati e oppressori dall’altro.
Gli uni sono la mia patria, gli altri i miei stranieri" (don Lorenzo Milani)